Inserting photos/images into your blog can be very simple or very frustrating - seems to depend on what blogger feels like on the day I sometimes think!
You can insert images on the Compose view for a new post by clicking on the photo icon. This opens a new screen with the following selections:
- Upload: Choose the photos / images you want to upload from your computer
- From this blog: Use a picture that you already have on this blog again.
- From Picasa Web Albums: A Google account usually gives you access to Picasa. If you have an image uploaded to there, you can insert it into your blog this way.
- From your phone: Your android phone or iPhone need to have instant upload enabled in their respective Google+ app (I don't usually use this)
- From your webcam: You will be asked to give permission for blogger to access your webcam and you can take a snapshot of yourself to add to the blog post
- From a URL: Just paste the URL address of a picture you want to insert, provided you have permission to use this!
You can upload more than one image at a time, these will be held in blogger's memory for a little bit and you can select one or more of these to insert into the blog post.
Positioning: Sometimes blogger has its own mind about where to position your photos. By clicking on any of your inserted images you can change their size (small, medium, large, x-large, original size), change their position (left, centre and right), add a caption, assign some properties (I don't tend to use this) or remove the image. It pays to have a look at your post preview as sometimes your layout will determine how large a photo you want to insert.
You are looking for something a bit easier or something fancier? How about making a piccollage of your photos on the iPad? You insert any number of photos, change size and postion any way you like, add stickers and text. This saves as an image to your Camera Roll and you can either transfer this to your laptop / computer to insert as an image or you can insert it via the blogger app (which will be covered in another post).
In a laptop you could use shape collage, a programme free to download. I have not used this much yet (e.g. I have not worked out yet if you can add text), but this is an image I just created, again displayed in Original Size:
You could also make an online slideshow of your photos, e.g. via Photopeach. Create a free account (which means all your slideshows will be public, so once again, ensure that you have permission to use all your photos!), then upload the images you want to use, add a title and captions, pick some music to go with the photos and in the end you get an embed code for your blog (click on the pen icon on the right of your slideshow). In the HTML view for your new post, paste this embed code (aka gibberish) and you have your slideshow:
Lifecycle of a butterfly on PhotoPeach
Please share your tips and tricks!