Thursday, 19 September 2013

Inserting a Word doc or Google doc into blogger

Sometimes our students have spent a lot of time making their published work look just right. How can we show this on our blog, as cut and paste looses all that editing? I have played around with a number of ways:

  1. The easiest way is to take a photograph of the work and insert it as an image.
  2. When you have a document in your Google Drive, you can insert the document into your blog, but often you end up with it showing up in a small box instead of seeing the whole document. These are the steps you have to take:
  • Open your Google Doc. Click on File, then click on Publish to the web.
  • In the new box, click on Start publishing and again on Ok.
  • The next window will give you a link and an embed code to your document. You can paste the link into your post or use the embed code in the HTML part of writing your post:
Link to the document

UPDATE: Below this next section is my initial and very complicated solution to rectify the small box issue when using Chrome or Mozialla Firefox as your browser (I have not tried Safari). However, via #edchatnz on twitter last Thursday @MNatusch offered me a much simpler solution using Internet Explorer.

For me Internet Browser doesn't usually play nice when I use Google Apps. However, in this case use Internet Explorer as your browser when you compose / edit the post - you can view the finished result in any browser. The small box your document has been inserted into can be manually changed by left clicking on it and then dragging the little squares at the corner to the desired size:

Magic! Full marks to Internet Explorer on this one!!!
Below you can see my more complicated way of changing box size for use with Chrome and with Mozilla Firefox:

You can see that the document is appearing in this small little box. If you would like to change the size of the box, you need to go back into the HTML view and insert sizes. The original code will look something like: <iframe src=""></iframe>
and after inserting sizes it might look like
<iframe height="760" src="" width="660"></iframe>
Depending on the layout of your blog, you might want to play around a little with the numbers.

You can see that this is not the perfect size, but if you have followed up to this stage I am sure you can adjust the size to fit your layout
3. There are online services you can use to upload your documents to that then give you an embed code, e.g. which seem to come with the correct sizing. However, you need to check if the service you are using is not also adding advertising.

Have you come across any other ways to insert docs into blogger, I would love to hear from you!

Happy Blogging!

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